Pairing Wine with Venison

From October onwards the Venison season is upon us and what a season it is! Magnificent and versatile meat, there are so many delicious ways to cook it - but which wine should you drink with it? You simply must do this wonderful meat justice, so here are my three favourite venison dishes with three perfect wine pairings. 

Autumn Wine Sale!

Let's face it, everybody loves a good sale and we're no different - who doesn't love grabbing a bargain?! Wine sales often get a bad press because supermarkets and big online retailers do deals for Chateau Le Spillage and then foist it on you for a bargain price claiming it to be the best thing since crushed grapes! Well here's the thing... it isn't. So we're not doing that... 

Spirit of Autumn

The feeling of our long days drawing ever shorter, nights growing colder and becoming accustomed to being greeted with frost can be dreadfully daunting. Some of us will want nothing more than to light the fire or blast the heating like you're slow-roasting yourself into hibernation. 

Happy Hallowine!

All Hallow's Eve is almost upon us; the time when ghosts and ghouls roam the land. We must therefore arm ourselves with appropriate wine to fight off these beasties and the vampyres and zombies. Here's a selection of "Hallowines" which will help protect you in your fight against all things evil.

Organic Wine

Organic wine! What does it mean and where do we start? The first thing to remember about Organic wine is that there is a difference between wine made from organically cultivated grapes and wine that is made organically.  It is for this reason that it is sometimes difficult to pick out organic wines from simply looking at the label.

Félicette Wines

As is often the case with wine, the label is the first thing that hits you. We can't think of any other wines out there with a couple of space cats on the label! So what's the story behind the label? In 1963 the French entered the space race and were the first to send a cat travelling into space. Her name was Félicette. The Félicette wines pay homage to their namesake, memorialising a famous cat held in great esteem in France. 

An Exclusive Taste of Continental Europe

Here at Whitmore & White we pride ourselves on bringing you world-class products.  There's nothing on our shelves that we haven't tried and fallen in love with and we strive to inspire you with new and exciting foods which you probably haven't seen elsewhere. This is why we import so much of our range ourselves from Continental Europe - no middlemen, no wholesalers, no nonsense. From the maker, straight to our shelves, we're a truly continental delicatessen.

What's On The Menu At Frodsham?

Whether you are out shopping, meeting up with a friend, walking around Castle Park or visiting the Thursday market let us treat you to breakfast, lunch and dinner. Using ingredients from our award-winning deli we hope to make your day even more enjoyable.

Giusti Balsamic Vinegar at Whitmore & White

Giuseppe Giusti is the oldest producer of balsamic vinegar in the world. Founded in 1605, seventeen generations of vinegar makers have produced some of the finest balsamics on the planet. Whitmore & White are one of the few importers of Giusti Balsamic Vinegar into the UK,