New Online Shop Goes Live!
Some of you may have noticed that our website is looking a little different all of a sudden! This is because we took the decision to move our entire in-store and online offering over to Shopify. During the first week of April 2021 we will be transitioning from our multiple existing software platforms, which we had bolted on to each other as we grew as a business.
The move will bring lots of benefits to you as customers and to us as business owners. However, there may be some temporary disruption to our online shop during this period in time, so please bear with us while we chase down all the gremlins and iron out all the kinks! If you spot one, please do let us know!
So What's Changed?
Customer Accounts & Order History
If you have a customer account with us online, most accounts have been transferred over - but you will need to create a new password for the new site. This is because we have no access to your password, so could not move it to the new system.
You can now pay more easily online using ApplePay and PayPal as well as all the other usual methods. You can now also pay using quicker methods in store too.
Gift Cards
Because we were running on multiple systems sellotaped together, we used to have issues with gift cards bought in store not working online. This is no longer the case as you can now use gift cards anywhere and anyhow you like, whether you buy in store or online.
If you have a valid gift card issued from our previous system, don't worry, it is still valid now. Take a look at our FAQ page for instructions on how to use older codes.
Delivery Options
We now have enhanced delivery options which should make your (and our!) lives a bit easier in future. You can more easily pick local delivery dates a couple of weeks in advance, and can select a day and time for collect in store orders.
Fresh New Look
All of the practicalities aside, we have a fresh new look which is quicker, less clunky and a bit more with it, and we hope you enjoy a better online experience with us on our new platform.
All the best,
Joe Whittick & Jamie Moore